Horses of Hope (2010.08.12)
EVANSBURG, AB - Jayson Go reports on the Brightwood Ranch, and how they're using horses to heal troubled youth.
Runs: 01:38
I Eat With My Teeth
(2011.01.04) "The other day a friend of my brother came to our house to sell us knives. 'Don't worry, you don't have to buy anything,' she said..."
The Richard Nixon Experience (2009.08.06) "...Slumped shoulders, fleshy jowls, narrow protruding nose ... when people talk about Nixon it’s usually as the punch-line..."
The Problem with B-Roll
(2007.03.12) Journalism Ethics for the Global Citizen
"My shoe suddenly comes loose in the hallway. I leave it – turning back would only slow me down. I swerve right to avoid an..."
CityNews: Edmonton - 5 Videos
Breakfast Television
(May 2010 to August 2010) Jayson Go reports for CityNews in Edmonton, AB.
Category: News Report
2008/2009 Governor General Awards - 10 Videos
Canada's National History Society
(November 2009) Award for Excellence in Teaching Canadian History.
Category: Feature Profile
Asian Heritage Month - 8 Videos
CBC News: Vancouver Weekend
(May 2008) Jayson Go reports on Asian Heritage Month for CBC News.
Category: News Report